Keeping yourself healthy

Mouth, teeth, and snoring


It is reccomended that you use a tooth brush with soft bristles, brush an hour after eating, and only brush for no more than 1 min at a time. It's possible to only brush once per day, but it is reccomended to brush twice per day.

Floss at least once a day.

The foods that damage teeth the most are sugary foods, foods that get stuck between your teeth, and foods that are too hard to chew, such as ice.

Foods that are healthy for your teeth are fiber rich foods, dairy products, many teas, and foods with fluoride such as seafood.


Snoring is often caused by airways in the mouth being restricted in sleep. Too much snoring means the airway is restricted too much too often, which can lead to a lack of oxygen getting to the brain, and poor mouth health.

Sleeping on your side is a good way to reduce snoring.

Lowering body fat reduces snoring.

Normal humidity levels reduce snoring.

Reducing consumption of alcohol and cigarettes reduces snoring.

Surgeries to alter the soft palate, tounge, or jaw can reduce snoring.

Mouth and tounge exercises can reduce snoring. These exercises are:

These exercises can be done several times per day.

Singing and other forms of vocal training also strengthen muscles in these areas, which help reduce snoring.